Globes Globes Everywhere Globes

Breaking up the scenery blowing my mind.

Well, maybe not blowing my mind but certainly vintage globes have become the new vintage suitcase for display in retail stores. While out shopping with my friend A, we were enamored with the display at Athropologie but we couldn’t find a price.

Then I was walking down Hicks St. and they had them in the window at J. McLaughlin:

So I did a little checking and found some on line-cheap.

My friend A has asked for some help-sorry A it took so long.


Vintage “World Globe”-Pre-1974 | eBay.

Both for around $20 including shipping. Of course you can find some for over $100 but it depends on what you’re looking for. I bought mine for around $17. I love it because it has the U.S.S.R on it and now I can belt out Back in the U.S.S.R and I will be able to tell my daughter what I’m singing about. It’s bad enough that I’ll have to explain what an album, 8 track and cassette is. She knows what a CD is because she has an Elmo cd. Every morning “Elmo cd, Elmo cd, Elmo cd” like a broken record. Oh the irony!

Another great source: Etsy. A little home-grown Brooklyn site.

SALE was 4000 Vintage Crams Earth Profile by blueflowervintage.

I used my globe as a book end to my daughter’s book. Plus she loves to pull it down and spin it.


Next: The story of how I was robbed.

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